Daniel 11:32(KJV): And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

Salvation is a very personal journey. God deals with each of us individually based on our knowledge of Him. I have had Christians who criticise the fruit of other people’s intimacy with the Father simply because they have not cultivated a similar relationship.

When they observe other believers perform great feats for the sake of the Kingdom of God, they are quick to write them off as wrong or as occultic.

But the scripture is clear–they that know their God shall be strong and do exploits. The reason you may not be doing great exploits is that you do not know God like you should. The growth gaps in your ministry, business, relationship or career can best be explained by the gaps in your knowledge of the Lord. If you cannot demonstrate the power of the Spirit through healing and deliverance, it is not necessarily because the man who can do it has borrowed power from some other dark source, it is because there is something about the Lord that you do not know. Purpose to know Him. As you do, He will do great and mighty things through you.

Pr. Brian Kato